Tag Archive for: Mission Council

Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting will be on Sunday, January 12 after the 10:00 a.m. service. At this meeting, we will elect 4 members of the mission council and 3 members of the finance committee. Confirmed adult members in good standing (over 16) may vote. Nominations are being sought now by the mission council.

Annual Meeting and Mission Council Elections

Our Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 14, immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service. At this meeting, we will hear from representatives of the ministries of our church and elect two new members of the mission council. We off our thanks to Robert Chapman and Will Pomeroy for their years of service on the mission council as their terms of service conclude this January.

Mission Council

“I currently serve on the Mission Council, and I want to invite you to consider this. It is a great way to serve Grace Church. There are many roles — […]

Tag Archive for: Mission Council

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.

Mission Council Meeting

Agenda TBA.