Note regarding the 2025 Annual Meeting and Recent Weather

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

After conferring with several people in Spring Hill and Columbia, we have decided to go ahead with plans to have church tomorrow at 10:00, followed by the annual meeting. The church parking lot and ramp to the parish hall door have been cleared of ice and snow. I have seen photographic proof of this. Thanks to Bill Rieger for making this happen and to him and Susan Austin for finishing up the fine points this afternoon. I have heard that major roads are clear, but each person should use discretion when deciding what to do in your own situation. Please be careful as side streets may be icy early.

At the meeting, we will hear oral reports from the vicar, senior warden, and junior warden, with some comments from the treasurer. The other reports will be submitted in writing and will be available in the new issue of Grace Notes when it comes out soon.

Stay warm and take care of yourselves. I look forward to being with you tomorrow.


Fr. Joe

Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting will be on Sunday, January 12 after the 10:00 a.m. service. At this meeting, we will elect 4 members of the mission council and 3 members of the finance committee. Confirmed adult members in good standing (over 16) may vote. Nominations are being sought now by the mission council.

Advent Lessons and Carols at 10 a.m. on Sunday, December 1

Our 10 a.m. service on Sunday, December 1st will be an Advent Lessons and Carols service.

We will have a Eucharist service at 9 a.m. on Sunday, December 1st.

Please attend at 9 a.m. if you wish to receive Communion.

Blessing of 2025 Pledges

To all of you who have already pledged, the mission council and Fr. Joe I thank you for your commitment of support to Grace Church.

Anyone may still make a pledge for 2025 by filling out a pledge card and placing it in the offering plate, or by mailing in a completed pledge card, or by pledging online at our website. We hope to have all the pledges turned in by Sunday, December 8. At the 10:00 service next week, at the offertory we will place all the pledges on the altar to give thanks for our pledges of support and to pray that Grace will faithfully obey Christ and follow his leading throughout the next year.

Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 p.m.; Carols at 4:30 p.m.

On Tuesday, December 24, at 5:00 p.m., we will begin our Christmas Eve celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. All who wish to join us for the carol singing before the service are asked to gather before 4:30 in the church. We will sing carols from 4:30 until just before the 5:00 p.m. service begins. Come early, as the church is usually full of people by 4:25 p.m.

Spring Hill Christmas Parade

We will be extending hospitality to the Spring Hill community for the Spring Hill Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 14th.

We will be offering warm drinks, children’s arts and crafts, tours of our church, and the use of our restrooms to those who stop by.

Please be advised that road closures will occur around 3 p.m. on that day, so if you wish to volunteer, please arrive early.

Children’s Church Schedule for Summer 2024

The Children’s Church ministry team will be conducting a special series of children’s lessons this summer, entitled “Lava Lava Luau.”

The series will encourage children to develop a mature and faithful understanding of negative emotions (anger, jealousy, frustration, sadness) as well as the importance of being kind in the face of adversity. Lessons will include unique crafts and activities.

We will be holding Children’s Church on these days this summer:

  • Sunday, June 2 – “Angry Volcano”
  • Sunday, June 9 – “Cool Shirt”
  • Sunday, June 30 – “Frustration Beach”
  • Sunday, July 14 – “Weeping Rains”
  • Sunday, July 28 – “Sweet, Sweet Pineapple”

Note that we are skipping June 16 for Father’s Day. Additionally, there will be no Children’s Church program for August. We will reconvene in September after the new school year has started.

We are looking forward to a fun and educational summer!

No Inquirers Class or Noon Eucharist April 23-25

There will be no Inquirers’ Class on Tuesday, April 23 or Noon Eucharist on Wednesday, April 26.

Holy Week 2024 Services

On Palm Sunday, March 24, we will have a Holy Eucharist with the Palm Sunday Liturgy. We will conduct the liturgy of the Palms outdoors, weather permitting, as well as a Passion reading indoors. The service will start at 10 a.m.

On Maundy Thursday, March 28, we will hold a 6 p.m. service with Holy Eucharist and stripping of the altar.

On Good Friday, March 29, at 3 p.m., we will have the Liturgy of the Word, a Passion Reading from the Gospel of John, Solemn Collects, and Veneration of the Cross.

On Holy Saturday, March 30, at 10 a.m., there will be a service with the Liturgy of the Word and the Flowering of the Cross (led by the Daughters of the King).

On Easter Sunday, March 31, at 10 a.m., we will have a festive celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Pancake Supper

Our annual Pancake Supper will be held on Tuesday, February 13th, starting at 6 p.m.

Come join us for pancakes and sausage in Faith Hall.

Volunteers and donations of butter and syrup are requested. Please contact us if you can help.