Tag Archive for: Eucharist

Advent Lessons and Carols at 10 a.m. on Sunday, December 1

Our 10 a.m. service on Sunday, December 1st will be an Advent Lessons and Carols service.

We will have a Eucharist service at 9 a.m. on Sunday, December 1st.

Please attend at 9 a.m. if you wish to receive Communion.

No Creative Monday or Wednesday Eucharist This Week

Please note that Creative Monday on July 10 is canceled.

Fr. Joe will be officiating a wedding out-of-state, and the Wednesday noon Eucharist service will not be held on July 12.

Please join us on Sunday, July 16 at 10 a.m. for our usual Sunday service and Wednesday, July 19 for the return of our Wednesday noon service.

Weekly Services

We hold in-person worship (Eucharist Rite II) services on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.

Our worship services are also online on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and at other times as announced.

Please see our Facebook group for updates and access to the live-streamed Sunday liturgy.

Eucharist services are also held at noon on Wednesdays.

The Sunday Lectionary readings for this week are available here.

Chalice Bearers, Crucifers, Readers, and Ushers

“I really enjoying serving at the altar, that’s basically what a chalice bearer does — he helps the priest serve Communion. I also get involved in reading the Prayers of […]