Maundy Thursday

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

The liturgical color for Holy Week is Red. Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar at 6 p.m.

Good Friday

The liturgical color for Holy Week is Red, but the altar may be bare during Good Friday.

Good Friday

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

The liturgical color for Holy Week is Red, but the altar may be bare during Good Friday. On Good Friday, March 29, at 3 p.m., we will have the Liturgy of the Word, a Passion Reading from the Gospel of John, Solemn Collects, and Veneration of the Cross.

Holy Saturday

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

On Holy Saturday, March 30, at 10 a.m., there will be a service with the Liturgy of the Word and the Flowering of the Cross (led by the Daughters of the King).


The liturgical color for Eastertide is White.


Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

The liturgical color for Eastertide is White.

Ascension Day

The liturgical color for Eastertide is White.


The liturgical color for Pentecost is Red.


The liturgical color for Pentecost is Red.

Trinity Sunday

The liturgical color for Trinity Sunday is White.

All Saints’ Day

The liturgical color for All Saints' Day is White.

Third Sunday of Advent

The liturgical color for Advent is Purple, though Rose may be used on Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent).

Third Sunday of Advent

The liturgical color for Advent is Purple, though Rose may be used on Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent).

Please contact James Dallas to suggest corrections or changes.