Eucharist Rite II

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Please join us for worship and fellowship.

Annual Meeting

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Our annual meeting will be on Sunday, January 12 after the 10:00 a.m. service. At this meeting, we will elect 4 members of the mission council and 3 members of the finance committee. Confirmed adult members in good standing (over 16) may vote.

Eucharist Rite II

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Please join us for worship and fellowship.

Eucharist Rite II

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Please join us for worship and fellowship.

Eucharist Rite II

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Please join us for worship and fellowship.

Eucharist Rite II

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Please join us for worship and fellowship.

Eucharist Rite II

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Please join us for worship and fellowship.

Eucharist Rite II

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Please join us for worship and fellowship.

Eucharist Rite II

Church Sanctuary 5291 Main Street, Spring HIll, TN, United States

Please join us for worship and fellowship.

Ash Wednesday

The liturgical color for Lent is Purple.

Please contact James Dallas to suggest corrections or changes.