Special Lenten Series
Wednesdays in Lent at 6 p.m., we will hold a special series entitled “How To Tame The Fox.”
Meetings will feature Evening Prayer, dinner, and discussions relating to Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s 1943 book The Little Prince.
Wednesdays in Lent at 6 p.m., we will hold a special series entitled “How To Tame The Fox.”
Meetings will feature Evening Prayer, dinner, and discussions relating to Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s 1943 book The Little Prince.
Two celebrations of the Holy Eucharist will be held with imposition of ashes, at noon and 6 p.m., on Wednesday, February 22 (Ash Wednesday).
A pancake supper will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21 (Shrove Tuesday).